The Taste of Mitzvos

Why did G-d create anything? We can’t say for sure because we cannot grasp G-d’s intentions. Only G-d Himself can do that. But to a certain degree, G-d lets us know things that we can understand, and even in that limited understanding, we can have a deep sense of satisfaction. It’s like that with everything….

Real Happiness

However beneficial it may be for a person’s spiritual life to cope in a positive way with life’s problems, we do not look for problems or create problems for ourselves. We can assume that G-d will send us the problems that we need to keep our lives on track, and when problems come our way,…

The Miracle of Teshuvah

Teshuvah involves recognizing that you did something wrong, stopping to do it, regretting having done it, and resolving never do it again. In addition, the mitzvah of teshuvah involves vidui—confession—a verbalization of that recognition, regret and resolution. But why should it have to be put into words? You know what you have on your mind….

Levels of Sprit

Our purpose in life is elevate ourselves in devotion to G-d. That idea, which is no doubt familiar to you, implies that there are different—higher and lower ways—of being human. In Jewish tradition, they have been identified and discussed at great length. Three basic terms are used, and to grasp the spiritual dimension and purpose…