Laws Pertaining to the Water Used for Washing Hands Before Meals (1)

Water that has changed its appearance, as, for example, when ink falls into it, is unfit for washing hands before meals. If it has changed its appearance because it has stood still for a long period of time, there are poskim who are lenient and allow its use. We learn this from the laws pertaining…

The Obligation of Parents for their Children’s Education

“And I will punish all that oppress them.” Even those responsible for collecting charity will be punished for forcing contributions from the poor, except for the payment of school fees so that their children can learn Torah and Mishnah. (Midrash Rabbah, Parshas Emor 30) A person is obligated to hire a teacher to teach his…

Judging Fairly

From the verse “Hear the causes of your brethren…” (Devarim 1:16), Chazal learned that the claims of litigants should not be heard by the court unless both are present. A litigant that presents his case when the other is not present is likely to lie—there is no one present to contradict him—and once the judge…

Amen (Part 2)

According to the midrash (Yalkut Shimoni 429) the wicked in gehenom who recite amen even once are released: In the future, G-d will be sitting in the Garden of Eden teaching Torah and all the tzaddikim will be sitting before Him. When He is done, Zerrubabel Ben Shealtiel will get up and say yisgadal veyiskadash…