The Interval Between Meat and Milk for Children and for the Sick (Part 2)

  1. Boys between the ages of nine and twelve, girls between the ages of nine
    and eleven, should wait for to five hours, though some are more  stringent
    and require the child to wait until after five hours. But if that means, for
    example, that the child won’t be able to have his milk if he goes to bed on
    time, one should certainly not be stringent.
  2. A boy who is twelve and a girl who is eleven should be educated to wait
    six hours between meat and milk, but
    besha’as hadechak it
    is enough to wait four hours, especially if the child had eaten chicken rather
    than beef, for there are important poskim who are lenient with children before
    they reach the age of bar mitzvah. According to the Trumas Hadeshen, for example,
    A child who ate meat for breakfast should be allowed to eat milk products for
    lunch. But if, after eating meat, a child becomes bar mitzvah, he waits the
    full six hours before eating milk products, for he is now obligated to observe
    the halachah as an adult.
  3. Regarding the interval between eating meat after milk: until the age of
    nine, it is not necessary to require the child to wait the time (one or one
    and a half hours) that is customary (each according to his custom). According
    to the halachah, even an adult is permitted to eat meat immediately after consuming
    milk products, so long as he wipes his mouth.  (Waiting one or one and
    a half hours is a custom.) So certainly there is no reason to be strict about
    waiting with a young child.
  4. For a sick person (even if he is not dangerously ill) who needs to drink
    milk, it is sufficient to wait one hour after eating meat. If he can wait three
    or four hours and still drink the milk he needs, it would be good for him to
  5. For pregnant women or a nursing mother, it is sufficient to wait one hour
    after eating meat if she needs to drink milk or consume milk products.
  6. Vitamins that contain milk or meat (with a hechsher, of course) can
    be swallowed immediately after eating meat or milk, but they should not be taken
    together with the meat/milk.
  7. A sick person who is fed with a tube through his mouth or an opening in
    his abdomen can be fed meat and milk together, though not milk and meat that
    have been cooked together, because it is forbidden to benefit in any way from
    milk and meat that have been cooked together. When a person is fed this way,
    he does not make any blessings, before or after eating, because he does not
    have the pleasure of passing the food into his throat and swallowing it.

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