One Good Midah

“Reuven was a ball of fire in class today,” explained the history teacher at the weekly teachers’ meeting. “He just couldn’t sit still.” “At least he wasn’t chutzpadick to you,” said the math teacher. “When I told him to write an assignment on the board he told me that he had better things to do.”…

Effective Reproof

"Rules are made to be broken", says an old adage. In the context of child education, what does this saying mean? One of the fundamental responsibilities of a teacher and parent is to make rules, give guidelines and offer clear borders to children. This, in order to help each child use his abilities and characteristics…

Creating The World: Creating Bnei Torah (Part 4)

To be a successful mechanech (teacher) two ingredients are essential: patience and support. Without patience, a student’s progress will never be able to match the tolerance level of his teacher; without support, whether psychological, emotional, academic, or other, the student will feel he either cannot succeed or that his success has limited or no value….

Creating The World: Creating Bnei Torah (Part 2)

The Value of Good Middos: A teacher of Torah has one goal in mind: that the Torah’s message should have an overriding influence in the class. However, this is only possible if the teacher has succeeded in developing a class atmosphere which emphasizes good Middos and fulfillment of Mitzvos. This we learn from Chazal’s explanation…